Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why is this a Land of Plenty?

Last week, President Obama made this statement:

Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. The British and French, Dutch and Spanish, to Mexicans, to countless Indian tribes. We all shared this same land.

Obama has been rightly mocked for saying that Mexicans were here before America was, but I am most offended by the implication that this land is naturally plenteous, we just happen to be the ones living here. Americans MADE this land plentiful. The founders of America, starting with the Pilgrims, did not come over here and find a land bursting at its seams with plenty. They found a land of opportunity and they mde the most of that opportunity to make this land prosperous. But will Obama ever credit the prosperity of this land to American ideals? Of course not, because that runs counter to his ideology, which sees America as robbing resources, not creating resources.

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